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Club Centenary

Club Centenary

George Loureda12 Feb - 13:33
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Club Centenary – some help required

In September the Club will be celebrating its 100th season of rugby at Summers Lane.

As I hope you are all aware, in September the Club will be celebrating its 100th season of rugby at Summers Lane. This will be a unique opportunity to bring the whole Club together to recognise the successes of the past; to enjoy each other’s company today and to lay the foundations to build a bright future – both on and off the pitch.

We have already started work on building a calendar to ensure that the Club celebrates our 100 years appropriately – but we need a bit of help. Please can you tell us…

1. What events would you like to see the Club hold to help celebrate the Centenary?
2. What other things could the Club be doing to ensure that the year is successful?
3. How could the Club raise money to subsidise events; to put towards future building projects or to fund community support initiatives?
4. Could you or your business support the Club for this special year by becoming either sponsors or club patrons?
5. Are you able to support the Club by providing a small amount of your time to ensure the celebrations can run smoothly and successfully?

Please can you share your thoughts with us at
Postscript: You may also be aware that the highlight of the year will be a Centenary Ball on Saturday 10th May 2025 – more details to follow shortly, but please save the date.

Many thanks for your help & support

Further reading